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My son AJ turned 18 years old. This is him with his brother Michael. I am so grateful for his accomplishments every day. He has made so many strides considering his multiple disabilities. He is seizure free, verbal and non-behaviorial. I find it amazing that when he was getting services as a baby it would make such a tremendous difference in his life. Being diagnosed with autism isn't the worst thing in the world. It is not admitting your child has a problem that affects them for the rest of their lives. So try and see what is in front of you even though it is painful. They didn't ask to be born like this. I'm certain they are stuck in bodies that they wouldn't choose for themselves. So be their warrior and advocate and give them the fighting chance they deserve. God bless all of you. Love & Light, Cathy

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My son AJ has not lived with us since he was 7 1/2 years old. Not an easy decision to make but one that we have NO regrets making to give him the best future possible. I'm a parent advocate and very involved in festivities for his school which is funded by our Parents Association. As a special needs parent, I feel very blessed to be surrounded by other parents that understand my situation. I enjoy working with these children and having them experience the same things that neuro-typical children experience on a daily basis. We organized a Fall Festival. The children picked pumpkins and decorated them with stickers. We had bushels of apples and the children got to pick one for themselves. We had delicious snacks and tattoos. What was enjoyed most by all was the petting zoo. These animals had such a calming affect on these children. To watch the children's faces as the spent time in the presence of these animals was such a great experience.

My European parents didn't approve of my son living outside of our home. They didn't understand the depth of his disabilities and the sacrifices we made to give him what he needed to be successful in this world. I know they were coming only from a place of love but it hurt me and my husband to the core. The day of the Fall Festival my parents came and shared in the day with myself, their grandson and the children. All things are possible. Don't ever give up faith and hope. You need to do what works for you and not care what others think. It is very difficult to do but in the end you will see for yourself your intuition is a gift and it should be followed always.

These animals were all rescued and now cared for with love.

Love & Light, Cathy

Something to lift the spirit for the holidays.

Picked up AJ from his Woodbury residence. I ask him how his week was. He said he worked at the nursing home for a day. He set the table for their holiday party, made goodie bags, assisted in the kitchen and helped where ever needed. He looked at me and said, "Mom I loved it! I really enjoyed helping people!" "That is what I want to do for a living!" Best Christmas gift ever! How much I love that young man! So proud! This is the young man who couldn't speak, behaviorial issues, processing delay and was emotionally disruptive. My advice to family and friends of special needs children, don't ever underestimate what they are able to accomplish. Faith, hope and prayers are a very big part of my daily life. The mindset is a very strong tool so use it wisely and keep focused on your goals whether it is for you or someone you love.

Have a wonderful holiday. My best to all of you.

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