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My Mom was on the phone with my disabled son AJ on Saturday night and she fell, slipped on the floor and knocked herself out. My son handed me the phone and said grandma is hurt, grandpa can't get her awake, call 911 she needs an ambulance and she may have a concussion. As I listened to my Dad trying to wake her I had an overwhelming feeling I couldn't describe. My son grabbed his jacket and starting yelling for us to go to to her. I called the ambulance and when arriving she was conscious but had an ash look. Long short of it, she has a huge bump on the back of her head. MRI's and xrays negative. She stayed overnight with pain and nauseous meds. My Mom is fine. Nothing short of a miracle Doctor's said. My son AJ knew exactly what to do.[The unconditional love for his Grandparents.] I broke down later on but held it together when I had. I'm very grateful and when thinking back could have turned out very differently. Be grateful with all your heart because you just don't know when it's all going to change. My lesson is to never underestimate my son and his disabilities. In the word impossible is "I'm Possible!" Sending love to everyone. Have a good day. ❤XO

My son Anthony 18 has has been wanting to upgrade to Xbox1 for a while and waiting patiently. Michael my youngest organized all of his games and old xbox for trade-ins. Michael asked if I could drive them to Gamestop. Michael went into the store started to explain to his disabled brother the process. How the stuff you turn back in becomes useable cash points on your card and you can put that towards your new Xbox1 console and other games. He had such patience with him. When we got home he asked how old he had to be his guardian and how difficult it was to change the guardianship papers when he was old enough? I never pushed the issue as a parent. I asked him if he was sure. He said he's my brother, he needs me, that's what I'm suppose to do. I get emotional just thinking about it. He's turning 16 in 6 days. What an awsome mature young man has become. Just when you think your doing it all wrong they surprise you. I'm grateful and my heart is full of joy.

Parenting is the hardest job in the world. Now with that being said, we always want what's best for them and want them to strive for more. My Michael was bullied very bad at the age of 8 years old. It changed him but made him stronger. He stopped playing football which he was so passionate about. At the time it really broke my heart but as a parent all I could do was support him and get him the help he needed. He had nightmares, tremors, scared to sleep alone and anxiety. Through the years he received the help he needed. He has now decided to try out for Massapequa Varsity. He is so out of his comfort zone and I am so dam proud of him. He has been pushing himself every day. He is making his own decisions. Why is this so important? Because Aspergers/Autism is not winning!!! I prayed every morning and afternoon for God to keep him safe, for his ego not to be crushed and for him not to give up on himself. Making the team is in God's hands. Well he is succeeding and determined for himself. That is the only thing that matters. He thanked me for the encouragement and support. That's all we can do. Let go and let God.

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