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If you are a special needs parent, please take the time to read this. Hey friends. Debating posting this because some things you can't wrap your head around or process. So this past Thursday, November 2nd while at a meeting in AJ's school I had a heart attack. Good news there was a nurse on staff and I had my two good friends that are my advocates with me. They kept me calm and got me help. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy. Now what is that? Broken Heart Syndrome . Guess what people it does exist. I'm ok. I do not need stents but a defribulator which is being put in tomorrow. Why am I letting you guys know? I lost 120 pounds, watched what I ate, meditated and distressed the best way I could. I thought I was ok. I was not a candidate to be a cardiac patient. That day was like any other day and I had about enough of one person's bullshit and I paid a very heavy price. So my advice to all of you is that stress kills. Tell people off when necessary beating the shit out of them is optional. But don't do what I did. Statistics are that most ladies don't survive this. Love to all of you. Please be grateful for your family and friends. Always find time and tell them you love them. Hugs are the best medicine.❤

Now that winter break is over, the new year begins and my birthday approaching I become reflective as always. I guess almost like a mama bear in it's cave gazing at it's cubs. Yeah it's like that. Feeling very melancholy lately. Maybe even more so because of my ❤️ condition. So my son AJ was here for the entire break. As you all know, he lives in Woodbury because of his disabilities. What a mature young man he has become. Every morning he would bundle up and take our family dog for a walk with no questions asked. He intuitively knew it was too cold for me to be outside. He would take the laundry down without hesitation. Asked if I was ok and needed anything. Why is it important to let them go unconditionally and trust? So they return home with a sense of independence, understanding and maturity. So they can discover their wings and fly on their own. I miss him every day as I live an breathe with him in my heart. Looking back though, in hindsight, it was the best decision for us a family unit. For him to grow into an adult and be able to function in a society where being different isn't always accepted and extremely challenging. So today I pat myself on the back because he is becoming the young man I knew he could be. I am extremely grateful for all of his accomplishments big and small. He is seizure free, communicative, expresses his emotions, uses curse words appropriately and within context, (lol) has a great sense of humor, is compassionate, has empathy and is a loving person. He has a lot of more to accomplish but it's within his reach. God has his hand in everything and in everything there is God. Hope and faith keep you on your mark. Don't lose sight even when all seems imposssible. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

This is my son Anthony (left) and his best friend, Joe. As a parent you always want your children to have those milestones. One of Anthony's came in February when he went to the prom with his best friend. Anthony received an invitation through a nomination. He didn't want to go without Joe and I made that happen through a few phone calls. It was a night to remember. The excitement and the smiles on their faces were incredible. They danced the night away. It was such an awsome time for all of those involved. It is such a wonderful experience for all special needs children. There are no words to describe as a parent the happiness we felt for both of them that magical evening. All things are possible. Love, hope and faith! Don't ever give up. Sometimes hope and faith is all we have. Love to you all. Cathy

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